Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ab Workout - I kid you not!

So there was a pregnant instructor at our body moves class last night.  I was already thinking thank god, I won't have to exhaust myself with a killer ab workout this time.  Boy was I wrong!  We did crunches and twists and semi-prone holding a weight and other yoga like poses that held us up and in tight tummy holds for what seemed like way past our 7:30 stop time.  The next class was lining up and watching us through the windows which of course made me try even harder.  I can sure feel it this morning.    I keep looking in the mirror expecting to see this huge change, but so far its more on the inside than the out.  

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Old Patterns and New Beginnings

The reason I entitled this blog "Old Patterns and New Beginnings " is because it occurs to me that I start to fall into old habits when I am stressed, busy,  or tired or any combination of the three.  This past two weeks I have been all three.  I need to keep working to get to the gym and do my routine or I shall slip into my old pattern.  That would be falling asleep in my chair, after dinner and basically doing very little until the weekend.  So today was another new beginning and I was at the gym, did my rowing, and weights and left feeling pretty positive.  Tomorrow night is my body moves class and I am looking forward to that!  I know I will be able to stick with it.  By the way, a good friend of mine is doing water aerobics and swimming and has gotten herself into a new routine, with some new people.  I am proud of her efforts and know she is beginning to reap the benefits of her new lifestyle.  Yeah!  Can't say enough for the positive effects of exercise on mood and outlook.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Snowshoeing - 2nd time

Tomorrow I will set off on a big snowshoeing adventure.  I have been out snowshoeing one time before and though I enjoyed the activity immensely, I was pretty red in the face after only a short time.  I now own snowshoes and hope they will pay me back on the investment by giving me some good cardio, and leg strengthening results.  I will let you know on Sunday night as I will be away from computers etc. for the weekend.  Wish me luck!  PS I hope to stay on my feet and not bang up any more knees....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Monday to Thursday

Monday night I was back at it with the body moves class.  Did you know they have these stretchy rubber bands that you pull on, stretch and tug at to do all sorts of strengthening activities.  What a workout.    I think I discovered some new spots for sure.  I was getting up early today to go to the gym but woke late, so am writing in my blog instead.  It is my intention to go later today.

I fell twice on the ice this week and both my knees look like how they used to look when I was a kid, scraped and bruised!  I will be happy when it warms up.   

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday walk

Today, we went for a dog walk along the dykes.  It was wonderful and sunny and great to get outside. The dogs had great fun and so did I even though I went over on my ankle and skinned my shin.  OUCH! I kept on and soon was okay, but let me tell you, that hurt.  I hate falling and it makes me feel stupid for doing it, for some weird reason.  

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today was wonderful for a number of reasons.  I slept in until almost 7 a.m., I went to the gym on the way home from getting my eyebrows threaded and I painted a birdhouse.  I was able to get through my workout with the exception that I didn't do a long cardio, however I went for a dog walk with my daughter and that felt great.  I baked squares for the jewelry parties and made homemade chicken spaghetti sauce.  We had Spaghetti for dinner.  The rest of the day was spent in doing Saturday chores and tidying up the messes I kept making.  How am I feeling ?  I am feeling like I am able to maintain the three days a week for now.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13th Still at it.

Where am I now.  Last night I completed the Body Moves class again.  I did great at everything but the activities involving rotator cuff movement.  Ouch!  I have kept up with crunches on the exercise ball.  I really like this exercise and can do it with little strain on my back.  

I am doing my best to be consistent and stick with it.  I ended up with a big Charlie Horse in my calf this week.  Ouch again.  I am really feeling my age.  Hopefully these aches and pains will soon be gone.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2 more good days!

Last night I actually met with the trainer - Marianne.  She was patient, kind and knew her stuff.  I learned how to use the machines and which ones I need etc.  It looks like I'll be back at the gym on Thursday working out.  

Monday night I went with my daughter to the Body moves class.  Wow, I need that kind of a class to get me going.  It was using resistance but with music and lots of changing what you're doing so I could do it.  There was a lady in front of me who looked my age and boy was she good - long and lean and fit.  That is the look I am going for.  

Last night I didn't write in my blog because I had an offer of a foot rub.  I opted for the foot rub.  Wouldn't you?  Today after work I am going to go to the gym and go on the rowing machine.  I will not do any weights as I am supposed to take a day off.  

One last thing - I am feeling pretty good.  The joint vitamins are starting to work and I am eating well, mostly.   

Monday, January 5, 2009

Tonight Body Moves!

Having gone again to the gym yesterday and planning on going again this evening for the Body Moves Class I am feeling quite righteous!  I will get the food part all sorted out this week.  Yesterday, I went to Roots Health Store and got some multi-vitamins, flax seed oil, MSM, Chlondriton, and Glucosamine.  I figure I better look after the bones, joints and inner health while I am exercising and eating right.  There is definitely a mental advantage to doing these things as I am already feeling better.  I look forward to the looking better part as well.  

Today, I have a snow day so don't have to go to work.  Power outages and bad road conditions have created havoc in the valley and lots of schools are closed today.  I guess it is time to undecorate my Christmas tree and such.  

I will let you know how my class goes tonight.  

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 4th.  Damn snow.  It pretty much snowed all day.  I didn't drive anywhere, but did get out to shovel the snow for about an hour.  I am counting that as my exercise.  I have been reading the book Playing For Pizza by John Grisham.  The story takes place in Italy and the last chapter was all about the main character's first experience with Italian food.  Grisham does a great job of describing the aromas and tastes of the dishes and so We ended up with home-made Lasagna for dinner last night.  I had a few extra for dinner, but still have lots left over, so we will dine on lasagna again this evening.   

I have already been up for 2 hours and it is only 7:00.  Tomorrow I will go back to work and I have yet to accomplish all I intended to do during this holiday break.  Oh well.  I did make a resolution to get fit and I did start this blog to help me record my journey.  If anyone reads this journal, please feel free to comment.  Today I will go to the gym and then tomorrow night my daughter and I will go to the body moves class at the gym.  

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 evening

Well the day started great with my gym workout.  I burned 35 calories more than yesterday on the treadmill, for a total of 195 calories.  Then I wandered through the machines and tried to focus on my upper body.   My shoulder is still sore, but I pushed through it. After about an hour, I headed home.   My daughter is a great source of  inspiration and works out with great dedication.  I will persevere.  Tomorrow I will go on my own.  

Gym Day # 2

I am going to the gym in 15 minutes with my daughter.  She has been going for months .  This is my 2nd day.  Yesterday I went on the treadmill for 25 minutes and did a few weight machines.  I am not very organized about this weight machine thing and am thinking today will be better.  I did manage to do some crunches and a few leg lifts with an exercise ball stuck between my legs.  hmmm, could really feel the eggnog and Christmas turkey.  

Let me introduce myself.  I am a 57 year old woman with a desire to lose weight, get my body stronger and generally stay fit so that I do not find myself, shrinking and aching all the time.  My mom lives with us and this I see in her a lot!  I hope to retire in July and want to be in the best shape ever for the start of retired life.  I find exercising hard, but feel quite righteous when I am done.  I find dieting hard because I love food and a glass of red wine on occasion.  

A Blog?  Never done it before, but somehow committing my goals to written form changes them and I wanted to try a blog so here goes.